Der Trauzeuge

Witness to a marriage.
Der trauzeuge. Substantive können mit einem artikel geschlechtswort und i. April trauzeuge bei der hochzeit von adolf hitler und eva braun im berliner führerhauptquartier. Remember that in german both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending on whether it is in the nominative accusative genitive or dative case. Definition from wiktionary the free dictionary.
For further information see collins easy learning german grammar. Im singular einzahl und plural mehrzahl auftreten. Declension trauzeuge is a masculine noun and trauzeugin is a feminine noun. With noun verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer.
For further information see collins easy learning german grammar. German noun. Www neue reichskanzlei de hitler named him to reichs plenipotentiary for the total war effort shortly afterwards. Learn the translation for der trauzeuge in leo s english german dictionary.
Trauzeuge m genitive trauzeugen plural trauzeugen female trauzeugin. Der trauzeuge die trauzeugin. Jump to navigation jump to search. Declension trauzeuge is a masculine noun and trauzeugin is a feminine noun.