Trauzeuge Synonym
Declension trauzeuge is a masculine noun and trauzeugin is a feminine noun.
Trauzeuge synonym. Remember that in german both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending on whether it is in the nominative accusative genitive or dative case. English translation of trauzeuge the official collins german english dictionary online. Trauzeuge definition in thegerman definition dictionary from reverso trauzeuge meaning see also trauung traube trauer trauen conjugation german vocabulary. Trauzeuge find more words.
Learn more in the cambridge german english dictionary. Mit hilfe eines strukturalen wort analyse algorithmus durchsucht unsere suchfunktion das synonym lexikon nach der wortfamilie oder wörtern im umfeld von trauzeuge. Trauzeuge trau zeu ge m trauzeugin trau zeu gin f witness at marriage ceremony. Okay so now it s time for the best man to say a few words.
Another word for opposite of meaning of rhymes with sentences with find word forms translate from english translate to english words with friends scrabble crossword codeword words starting with words ending with words containing exactly words containing letters pronounce find conjugations find names. Es ist zeit dass der trauzeuge ein paar worte sagt. Trauzeuge wordreference english dictionary questions discussion and forums. Translation for trauzeugen in the free german english dictionary and many other english translations.